2009年4月13日 星期一

生動.心動 大專聯校生態攝影比賽得獎名單 Prize - winners of Joint - University Wildlife Photo Competition TOUCH

數碼單鏡反光機組 DSLR Group

+ 冠軍 Champion:

宋亦希 - 初生之毒 (HKU)

+ 亞軍 1st Runner - up:

IP Ka Lok Kelvin - 活力與高雅 (HKU)

+ 季軍 2nd -Runner - up:

樊穎 FAN Wing - Hide and Seek (LU)

+ 優異 Merits (排名不分先後 With no particular order):

張晉華 - 生命之源 (CUHK)

梁正燁 - 征途 (CUHK)

Ho Siu Kin Sophie - 凝望 (HKU)

林默涵 - 左擁右抱 (CUHK)

洪敦熹 - 暮晨之光 Twilight (HKU)

數碼相機組 DC Group

+ 冠軍 Champion:

Cheng Nok Ming - 頂天立地一波子 (HKU)

+ 亞軍 1st Runner - up:

Ng Yan Yung Michelle - 迷網.迷茫 (HKU)

+ 季軍 2nd -Runner - up:

朱荻昕 - 蒲公英 (HKIEd)

+ 優異 Merits (排名不分先後 With no particular order):

Ma Chui Ying - 草原上的呼召 (HKU)

宋亦希 - 盼望 (HKU)

崔佩怡 - 清晨甘露 (CUHK)

宋亦希 - 縮不了頭的烏龜 (HKU)

Cheng Ka Ho - Dabbling ducks (CUHK)

* 所有入圍及得獎作品均可到http://www.picasaweb.com/jupc2009瀏覽 瀏覽.
All finalists and prize - winning photos could be checked out at

2009年2月19日 星期四

大專聯校生態攝影比賽Joint - University Wildlife Photo Competition

生機無限的大自然裡總是充滿觸動人心的畫面. 近年來數碼攝影器材的普及,讓我們能輕而易舉地將這些美麗的晝面紀錄下來與人分享. 是次名為「生動.心動」的大專聯校生態攝影比賽旨在讓同學們透過鏡頭去捕捉這些景象, 並藉此引起觀察和欣賞自然生態的興趣. 主辦單位亦將於賽後於參與院校校園舉行巡迴相展, 讓更多人能分享到拍攝者感受到的悸動, 細看大自然的神奇.


所有參與院校的研究生, 本科生及副學士 / 高級文憑學生


每個參賽組別圴設冠,亞,季各一名及五名優異獎. 得獎者將獲得以下獎品, 證書一張及8R得獎照片一張.

+Reecho Rapids 18 背囊一個

+Reecho Anywhere 背囊一個

+Reecho Swift II 水樽腰包 一個

+Reecho Campack Towel 一份
+"郊野探索" 雜誌兩期

+"郊野賞識遊" 書籍一本
+"越野跑全攻略" 書籍一本


+請到http://www.sendspace.com/file/ikyzhx下載報名表格, 填妥後連同相片檔案(以相片標題為檔案名稱)電郵至jupc2009@gmail.com, 並於主旨上註明 "ENTRY" .

+作品須以JPEG檔(包含exif)提交. 沖印相片及底片均不受理.




+參賽作品可以不多於50字的文字說明. 主辦單


+ 每名參賽者可於每個參賽組別提交最多3張作品

+ 相片剪栽, 去紅眼, 輕微光暗及色彩修正為可接受. 唯任何在此列以外之人工修飾皆一律不為接納. 主辦單位及評審委員會有權取消被過份修飾, 進而影響其真實性的作品之參賽資格.

+ 參賽作品上任何位置均不得顯示任何簽名, 圖章或識別記號

+ 參賽相片必須為參賽者原創作品. 參賽者不得於提交作品前銷售, 發表(包括網上發表) 參賽相片,或曾以參賽作品參與其他攝影比賽.

+ 參賽者須擁有參賽作品之版權及承擔版權條例之全部責任,有關之法律責任與主辦機構無關。

+ 參賽者將賦予主辦單位於任何媒體發表, 展覽, 發佈及使用參賽作品作是次活動宣傳用途之權利.

+ 所有籌委會成員及評審團成員均不得參與是次比賽

+ 主辦單位保留於不需知會參賽者的情況下取消是次比賽或更改比賽細則的權利.

+ 主辦單位保留是次比賽的最終決定權.

+ 參賽者於參與是次比賽時已被視作認同及接受以上細則. 主辦單位若有理由相信任何作品違反以上細則, 將有權取消該作品之參賽權利.

是次比賽將進行兩輪評審, 第一輪評審由主辦單位----由各校代表組成之籌委會執行, 從每個組別各篩選二十份入圍作品. 所有入圍作品將由下列專業評審團從各組別選出冠, 亞, 季軍各一名及優異獎五名.


內容: 60%
拍攝技巧: 40%

黃志俊先生 - 香港自然生態論壇發言人
呂德恆先生 - 著名生態攝影師
蘇毅雄先生 - 著名生態攝影師及作家

日期: 二零零九年四月十八日(星期六)
時間: 下午十二時三十分
地點: 香港大學中山廣場

所有得獎作品將於各參與院校進行巡迴展覽. 入圍參賽作品亦將上載至網上相簿http://picasaweb.google.com/jupc2009 讓更多人瀏覽.



如有任何疑問, 歡迎電郵至jupc2009@gmail.com


Elaine (HKU): 96089171

Henry (CUHK): 90484156

Karsd (HKIEd): 67458370

Yo Yo (LU): 60974734




金贊助 (排名不分先後):

2009年2月11日 星期三

大專聯校生態攝影比賽 Joint - University Wildlife Photo Competition


Nature, with its rich variety of life, is always full of fascinating scenes that touch our hearts. With the popularity of digital photography, capturing those scenes is no longer a difficult task. The Joint – University Wildlife Photo Competition aims to stimulate students' interest in observing and appreciating the rich biodiversity of the natural world, and capturing their favorite pictures through their cameras. More people would also have a chance to appreciate the beauty of natural wildlife through an exhibition of the competing photos afterwards.


+To promote the observation and appreciation of natural wildlife
+To increase the ecological understanding of participants and audience
+To promote wildlife photography


All postgraduate, undergraduate and associate degree students of participating universities


Digital Camera (DC) Group
Digital Single - Lens Reflex (DSLR) Group


A Champion, a First – runner up, a Second – runner up and 5 Merit prizes will be selected from each group. Prize - winners would obtain the following prizes, a certificate and a 8R printed prize - winning photo.

+1 seat for Certificate in Ecotourism

+1 seat for Dolphin Watches Tours
+1 Reecho Rapids 18 backpack

1st Runner-up
+1 seat for Dolphin Watches Tours
+1 Reecho Anywhere back pack

2nd Runner-up
+1 seat for Dolphin Watches Tours
+1 Reecho Swift II

+1 Reecho Campack Towel
+2 episodes of Magzine "郊野探索"

*All prize - winners would also obtain
+1 copy of "Journey through HK Country Trails"
+1 copy of "Cross Country Tactics – A Technical Guide to Professional Cross Country Training"

Prize - winners would be notified by email from the organizer.


+ Download and fill in the application form from http://www.sendspace.com/file/drtzrn and send it to jupc2009@gmail.com (using " ENTRY" as the subject) together with the photos (with the titles as the file names)

+ The entry should be in JPEG format and contain exif . No print or film submissions will be accepted. The resolution of the photo should be at least 3-megapixels with file size being less than 5mb.

+ Equipment used: DC or DSLR respectively for each group.

+ Date of photo - taking is not necessary in the entry.

+ All submitted photos must have a title and the shooting location should be stated for reference.

+ Submitted photos can be accompanied by a descriptive passage of not more than 50 words. Identification of species shown in the photos is encouraged.

Submission Deadline:

24th March, 2009


+ Photographs must be in digital format. No print or film submissions will be accepted.

+ Entrants can submit at most 3 entries in each group.

+ Cropping, red eye correction, MINOR burning, dodging and color correction are acceptable. Any changes to the original Photograph not itemized here are unacceptable and will render the Photograph ineligible for a prize. The Organizing Committee and the Judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.

+ No signature, stamp or any other identifying mark is allowed anywhere on the entry.

+ Entries submitted must be entrants’ original works. Prior to submission, entrants must not have offered their entries for sale, publication (including online publication) of their entries or involve in any other competitions with any of their entries.

+ Entrants will retain copyright in the photographs that they submit to the organizer. And it is the entrant's responsibility to ensure that all the necessary permissions (full copyright) are obtained from any people in their entries.

+ By entering the competition all entrants grant to the organizer the right to publish, exhibit, reproduce, distribute, publicly display and perform their entries, and create derivative works of the entries (along with a name credit) in connection with the Competition and promotion of the Competition, in any media. No fees will be payable for any of the above uses.

+ The organizer reserves the right of making any final decision.

+ Members of the organizing committee and the judging committee will not be allowed to take part in this competition.

+ The organizer reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter any of the rules at any stage without informing entrants in advance.

+ By entering, entrants will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these rules and the organizer reserves the right to exclude any entry from the competition at any time and in its absolute discretion, if the organizer has reason to believe that an entrant has breached these rules.


Mr. Dickson Wong

- spokesperson of HKWildlife.net, committee members of Society of Hong Kong Nature Explorers

Mr. Henry Lui
- conservationist and wildlife photographer

Mr. Samson So
- freelance ecologist, natural writer and photographer


1st - round: 20 pieces of entries from each group will be selected by the organizing committee

2nd - round: Selected entries from the 1st - round selection would be further assessed by the Judges.

All selection will be done according to the following judging criteria:

Content: 60%
Photographic Technique: 40%

Prize - Giving Ceremony

Date: 18th April, 2009 (Sat)

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Venue: Sun Yat-sen Plaza, the University of Hong Kong.

Traveling Exhibition

A traveling exhibition of the prize-winning photos will be held in participating Universities and from 25 / 4 / 2008 onwards. An online album at http://picasaweb.google.com/jupc2009 will also be established to publicize the selected entries.

Promotion poster



+ Environmental Life Science Society, SS, HKUSU
+ Environmental Science Society, CUHKSU
+ Greenbird, HKIEdSU
+ Green Club, L.U.S.U.


Please feel free to contact us by email to jupc2009@gmail.com

or by phone to reach:

Elaine (HKU): 96089171

Henry (CUHK): 90484156

Karsd (HKIEd): 67458370

Yo Yo (LU): 60974734



Organizing Advisor:

Golden Sponsor ( with no particular order):